A robbery with the use of a possible handgun was reported on campus late Thursday night, according to a Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS) report.
An AlertSU update stated the robbery occurred at 11:11 p.m. at 441 Mayfield Ave, near an emergency tower. The two perpetrators were last seen heading west to Santa Teresa from Tresidder Union.
The two perpetrators were “observed or perceived by the victim/witness” as five-foot-ten Hispanic males with a slim build. According to the alert, they were both wearing a black sweater and black ski masks. One perpetrator was wearing blue pants and the other was wearing black pants, according to the AlertSU.
The AlertSU was broadcast from landlines in some campus buildings, including the Stanford Daily Building located at 456 Panama Mall, near Tresidder Union.
The Daily has reached out to SUDPS for more information on the alert and how it was distributed to community members.
The AlertSU encouraged students to report any suspicious activity immediately and be aware of their surroundings.
“Avoid distractions such as talking or texting with a cell phone when on foot,” the AlertSU read. “Walk or run on lighted and paved paths with the blue 911 emergency telephone towers.”
The alert asked campus community members to reach out to SUDPS with any information on the incident.
This story is breaking and will be updated.
Learn more about the Clery Act and how The Daily approaches reporting on crime and safety here.
Originally posted 2023-10-13 07:34:54.